Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain
Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain
The most common cause of elbow, wrist and hand pain is from repetitive movements and overuse injuries. Activities commonly associated with overuse elbow and writs injuries are tennis, golf, computer work, knitting, and manual labour jobs such as carpenters, construction workers, and electricians.
Over the past few years there has been in increase in elbow, wrist, and hand pain due to more people working from home and spending more time using their computers, keyboard and mouses. If these conditions are not addressed properly and given adequate rest they can become chronic, and persist for months or evens years, progressively getting worse, and can prevent you from doing the things you love to do.
An important part of addressing chronic elbow, wrist and hand pain is making sure your workspace is set up ergonomically for you. If you’re unsure how your workspace should be set up Dr. Newman would be happy to discuss the appropriate ergonomic so you can get the best out of your workspace and minimize pain and discomfort while working.
Common causes of elbow, wrist and hand pain that Dr. Newman sees in the clinic:
· Tennis Elbow aka Lateral Epicondylitis
· Golfer’s Elbow aka Medial Epicondylitis
· Triceps Tendinopathy
· Elbow Sprain / Strain
· Olecranon Bursitis
· Wrist Sprain / Strain
· Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
· DeQuervain’s Synovitis
· Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Sprain
· FOOSH Injury (Fall on an Outstretched Hand)
· Trigger Finger
Don’t let your elbow, wrist or hand pain hinder you from doing the things you love!
Book an appointment with Dr. Newman today. She will perform a detailed history and physical exam to determine the root cause of your back pain, provide you with an individualized treatment program, give you exercises to do from home to help stabilize and strengthen your elbow, wrist and hand, and provide insight on how to prevent a flare-up from occurring.
Treatment with Dr. Newman will consist of any of the following:
· Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy
· Elbow, Wrist, Hand & Finger Mobilizations
· Soft tissue manipulation (ands-on and instrument-assisted)
· Stability and Strengthening Exercises
· Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS)
· Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy (MDT)
· Class 4 Laser
· Kinesiotaping
· Flexion-Distraction and Spinal Traction